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Global Article 9 Conference Workshop: Exploring the Connections Between Music and Peace

Global Article 9 Conference Workshop:

Exploring the Connections Between Music and Peace

Date/Time: Monday, May 5th (National Holiday) 12:20 – 13:50

Place: Makuhari Messe, Chiba (International Conference Hall 3F, Room 304)

Organizer: Peace Not War Japan (

Please join us for a live show featuring a lineup of several internationally

acclaimed musicians. The artists will then be asked to share their views

and personal experiences regarding the contribution of music as both a

political and a spiritual tool toward the goal of encouraging peace, and to

consider the role that music can play to help protect Japan's Constitutional

Article 9. The discussion will be emceed by radio personality Peter Barakan,

who has a deeply nuanced understanding of music and peace-related issues,

as well as the convergence thereof.


Aska Kaneko (Multi-genre violinist and vocalist)

Ben Kemp & Uminari (Polynesian and Japanese acoustic fusion ensemble)

Likkle Mai & The K (Reggae vocalist/ guitarist)


Peter Barakan (broadcaster)

Fees for the Global Article 9 Conference to Abolish War:

May 4th (Plenary & Live Concert): 1500 \1000 with advance purchase
May 5th (Symposium & Workshops): same as above
(Conference is free for junior high school students and younger.)

Advance tickets may be purchased at Lawson's convenience stores,

or by postal transfer (see

for details in Japanese).

For more info and full conference schedule, see the official website:

Route to venue:

Map of venue:

Artist Profiles

Aska Kaneko:

Born in Tokyo, Aska Kaneko began playing the violin at age four, and
started to perform professionally while attending the Tokyo University
of the Arts. She has played in countless numbers of music sessions
spanning numerous genres, and has released a total of 17 albums. She
continues to receive accolades for her outstanding technique, rich musical
expression, and playfully elegant style. Aska's most recent album is Ave
(2007), a multi-lingual collaboration where she explores themes of peace
along with several international guest artists. She also regularly facilitates
children's workshops, and produces music for use in energy work. Her
personal pursuits include researching the Mayan calendar, bodywork such
as yoga and Tai Chi, and organic cooking. She lives with her husband, who
is from the U.S., and their fifth-grade, Hawaiian-born son.

Ben Kemp & Uminari

Signed to independent Japanese label Suzuki Records, Ben Kemp & Uminari
are creating a unique musical fusion as they forge new territory both musically
and culturally. With their adventurous instrumentation that includes vocals, guitar,
electric flute, cajón and fretless bass, the group
features Ben's Polynesian-
inspired ethereal voice and poetic lyrics, combined with Uminari's Japanese-
inspired arrangements. The overall effect is a soulful, acoustic sound that is both
soothing and haunting. The group has released three albums, and has toured twice
in New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Website:

Likkle Mai & The K:

Accomplished reggae vocalist Likkle Mai, who runs her own record label "MK

MuziK", continues to bring audiences her strong message of peace and love.

Her second album "MW" received praise from various music magazines following

its release in 2007, and a 7-inch single track "My Woman/Home, Sweet Home was

released in January 2008 from the same album. Likkle Mai is presently working on

a collaboration project with several other artists, as well as her own third album.


Peter Barakan (broadcaster):

Born in London, Peter Barakan has lived in Tokyo since 1974 and has worked in

broadcasting since 1980. His work has placed particular emphasis on introducing

a wide variety of music from different parts of the world to a public that is often force-

fed only what is commercially convenient for large corporations. His present radio

programs are the "Barakan Beat" show at online, which features a variety of world music; and "Weekend Sunshine," a weekly free form radio programme on NHK-FM. He also hosts the Japanese broadcast of the US news magazine show "60 Minutes" and the weekly talk show "Begin Japanology "for NHK World.

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